Keeping Students Creative During Hybrid Learning: Pear Deck Templates for Related Arts
You’ve been asking, and they’re here: interactive templates for P.E., Music, Drama, and Art! We've partnered with experienced teachers from our Pear Deck community to create these templates. There are four new template packs available today—let’s take a look at how you can use them with your own class.
This week's webinar is all about Related Arts! Join Jena Cooper, Jen Lennox, Carla Ganim, and Shannon Fish on Wednesday, September 16 at 6 P.M. CDT. You'll discover how Pear Deck can support your art, music, drama, & P.E. classes, and meet our brand-new template packs!
Tonight: Don't miss this Early Childhood Education Twitter chat!
Join us for a fun and informative chat all about using Pear Deck for interactive lessons with ECE learners! This special Peartember event will be moderated by STEM instructional coach and Pear Deck rockstar Victoria Thompson, @VictoriaTheTech. Follow along with @PearDeck on Sept. 15 at 8pm CDT.
If you present a lesson with Pear Deck at least 7 times between Sept. 1 and Sept. 30, 2020, you could win the Peartember Grand Prize: 1 year of Pear Deck Premium, a personalized illustration, swag, and a $400 Visa gift card! Please note: You must opt-in here to be eligible.
From the Fair: Ashley Lutz on Creating Engagement Through Connection
In this one-minute excerpt from her Pear Fair presentation, Ashley Lutz talks about how she connects to her students through incorporating their interests into her lessons.
Next Week: Mike & Nita Creekmore on Self-Care for Educators
There’s one element we often neglect while we’re focused on the well-being of our class: checking in with ourselves. In this special Peartember webinar, the Creekmores will share their tips for building a self-care recipe to last you all year! Join us on September 23 at 6 PM CDT!